Marketing Creative Requirements
Please submit all assets four weeks prior to the send or start date. Keep in mind that Dot has final approval on all content to ensure brand consistency.
What's Inside Each Campaign?
Campaign Timeline
Extra Features
Email Exclusive
Please keep targeted email content relevant to your audiences.
Suggested content for:
National Account Operators: offer samples, share culinary trends/menu ideas, promote trending products
Distributor Sales Representatives: promote new products and operator rebates
Distributors: promote new products and discounts
Digest Emails
Ecommerce Ads
These ads will be placed on the Dot Foods Shop ecommerce site.
- Provide images in JPEG format except category logo ads. Logos must be in PNG format with a transparent background.
- Ads with a white background must have a border. Ads with a color background are recommended.
- Ads can click through to items on the Dot ecommerce website (STOCKED items only), POS, external website, etc.
*This ad type can be designed as an animated GIF to run no longer than 6 seconds.
**This ad type must supply logo in PNG format with transparent background.
Sponsored Search Terms
Your social media post will be shared on @DotFoods Facebook and LinkedIn pages and the @dotfoodsofficial Instagram page. We no longer have an active Twitter profile.
You need to provide us with:
Ecommerce Pop-Up Ad
You need to provide us with:
Re-engagement Email Exclusives and Search History Email Exclusives are only available to suppliers with Premium, Elite, or Enterprise digital packages who added on these features at an extra cost.